You Are Good Enough Workshop

How to believe in your art so you can fully express your voice in the world...

This workshop is for creative spirits who want to share their gifts, but may feel held back by insecurities, distractions, or a lack of direction.

We focus on activating the skills and confidence for your art practice. You’ll learn how to connect fully in this world as a thriving creative spirit, by doing a 10-minute prompted sketchbook exercise every day for 30 days.

The three video lessons and 30-days of prompts to help you transform limiting beliefs like:

I’m not good enough
• Everyone’s better than me
• Life is too exhausting for art
• I can’t find time to create
• I won’t live up to my own high standards
• I’m scared of being judged
• I can’t measure up
• I don’t deserve “me time”
• It’s not safe to express myself
• There’s never enough time

It's all about remembering - you are good enough!
Join us for this transformational experience. When you sign up, you’ll receive:

• Three video lessons to build your skills and confidence
• 30-Days of easy Sketchbook Prompts to jumpstart your transformation, in just 10 minutes a day



Thank you, Meghan, for the inspiration! I'm looking forward to exploring the creative process with you!
-Jaimee M. New Haven, CT

Meghan Oona has encouraged me to find healing through my art. 
-Polly H.

Thank you for helping to motivate me to continue doing what I love, creating beautiful and functional art!
-Dawn A., New York

Thank you for taking the time to understand individuals' creative thoughts and needs. 
-Leah S.

© The Creative Path and Meghan Oona Clifford | Contact Terms and Conditions